Information Architecture

Techniques and Deliverables of Information Architecture

Online Delivery
Daily live sessions with lecturer from 9:00am - 5:30pm SAST / 7:00am - 3:30pm UTC via Zoom.
Last day: 9:00am - 2:00pm SAST / 7:00am - 12:00pm UTC
Access to course content and session recordings via Ruzuku learning management platform.
Next Course: Dates to be confirmed

Extensively Revised to Latest Practices and technologies 2022 Q3

Audience and Benefits

The course is designed for data and information architects, senior business analysts, enterprise architects, strategists and business architects who are, or who will become, actively involved in modeling, analysing and shaping the future of information and data used in businesses. Typical candidates also includes data managers, database administrators, compliance officers and security and privacy specialists responsible for data related aspects. Those concerned with public data (e.g. the websites, portals, web services and applications exposed outside your traditional user base) will also benefit.

It is a skills course rather than a methodology course, designed to expose participants to leading techniques and ways of presenting models and results of analyses. It draws on our 30+ years experience in information systems and academia as well as industry best practice to deliver a valuable set of tools to equip data and information architects.

Get Business and Technical People on the same page

Lay a Foundation for Data Management and Exploitation

Build a solid Data/Information Architecture and supporting infrastructure

Hone your Modelling Skills

Link Conceptual, Logical and Physical Views

Support creation of Data-Rich Products and Services

Apply emerging Technologies to best effect

Various courses cover aspects of data modeling (e.g normalisation, relational database design) or Structured Query Language, or physical database design for a specific product. There are very few that address the broad requirements of data and information architecture as they apply in the business and as part of an enterprise architecture discipline: Moving from the conceptual level, through industry and bespoke domain modeling using entity and object oriented concepts, the course covers the vital levels of data modelling and management required to fully understand data and information at an enterprise level. It also discusses existing and emerging technologies to help the organization leverage data to strategic advantage, from high volume transaction processing, to data mining, from structured internal data to fuzzy external knowledge, from secure private data to the cloud and distributed mobile applications. It further provides an introduction to the emerging fields of large data, no-SQL technologies and the use of semantic technologies in business.

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Why Inspired?

Delegates will benefit from the expertise of the course leader and his team at Inspired. The course will be led by Graham McLeod, Owner and Chief Architect of Graham has worked in industry for 40+ years and academia for 12+ (in parallel). He has experienced first hand the difficulties of really doing thorough analysis under pressure in many industries globally, including banking, assurance, healthcare, telecoms, education, energy, administration, retail, services and others. He has taught strategy, business and enterprise architecture and other techniques at leading universities and international conferences. He has led the development of unique techniques, models and tools at Inspired for over two decades. He is uniquely qualified to share experience and techniques that you can rapidly apply. He is passionate about his subject and a great teacher. We may also have expert guest lecturers on selected topics. These are carefully chosen to ensure high levels of expertise and stimulating delivery.


Unique content shared will include:

  • Inspired approach to identifying subject areas and building Domain Models as a common “Rosetta Stone” between business and technical areas

  • Advanced Conceptual Modelling techniques that go beyond Entity Relationship Diagrams and UML Static Structure Models

  • Semantic Technologies and their impact on commercial applications

  • Digital Disruption and the role of Data

  • Maturity and Industry Reference Models

  • Requirements definition

  • Use of patterns

  • Interface and integration options

  • Relevant latest Technology & choice criteria


Comments from Past Delegates

“Good coverage of conceptual and logical modeling.”

“Semantic Technologies and Open Data were mind blowing. Lots of commercial potential.”

“I am from a relational background. Now I get what the No-SQL movement is about.”

“Domain modeling provides great easy technique to understand data at a business level.”

“Liked the coverage of big data and visualization.”

“I previously battled to get training to feel competent as an information architect. This has really helped!”

“Meta data importance came home to me.”

Typical Coverage

The course provides a set of techniques which assist the information architect in understanding the context, the challenges, the opportunities, the risks and the strategic options of an enterprise’s use and exploitation of data and fashioning a coherent architecture and plan to realise the organisation’s vision with respect to data, information and knowledge. 
Rich use of examples and selected short videos stimulate delegates to think beyond the norm and out of the box. We will tap delegates into sources of information for ongoing enrichment as well. 

Case study work in small teams allows delegates to perform analysis and devise architectures and strategies. Teams compete and learn from each other before experiencing another facet of the challenge. 

The course stresses holistic consideration and the interplay of many facets that affect the outcome of architecture decisions.

Course content includes (subject to change) detailed coverage of data, information and knowledge architecture, including:


Provided Materials

Delegates will be provided with high quality notes and links to media and references to pursue further study.


To support learning, we use the Ruzuku course delivery platform. This allows us to provide course overviews, online enrolment and payment, online course structure and progress tracking, forums for student collaboration, recorded session videos and support materials such as white papers, readings, example models and video clips. 

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We make use of Zoom for live lectures with rich student interaction via video, audio, screen sharing, break-away rooms and chat facilities. Students will need a PC / Mac / high end tablet and a reliable Internet connection to participate. 

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We will share examples in our enterprise level enterprise modelling and knowledge management platform: Enterprise Value Architect (EVA) to demonstrate what an integrated tooling environment can achieve. Of course, techniques can also be supported by other competent toolsets. 



Being based in a developing economy region (South Africa) we are acutely aware of the difficulty of paying for world class tuition in devalued currency. Accordingly we have two tier pricing for the course:

Location Cost (before taxes)
Developing Economies ZAR 22 932 / USD 1 562
Developed Economies USD 2 348

If you are unsure of your current economy’s status, please refer to the full country lists.

Both of these provide exceptional value when you consider the career development and improved strategic leverage of data and information that result.

Enrol Now

There are no instances of this course scheduled at the moment. If you are interested, please let us know with the form below and we will notify you when the next instance is scheduled!

Please contact us if you want to arrange an in-person or in-house course and we will review the request.


Still Have Questions?

Not sure whether this training is suited to your role/organisation/experience?

Please use the form below to subscribe to updates, ask us anything or have us contact you for a discussion. Alternatively, book a call and we can discuss further, and find the right match for your needs.