Graham McLeod


Graham is the owner and chief architect of, established in 1991.

He is a thought leader in Enterprise Architecture, Enterprise Modelling, Business Architecture, Process Modelling, Methods Engineering and integrated Business and I.T. Strategy. He is a frequent guest and keynote speaker, and has been invited to present at various international universities and professional bodies as well as Microsoft Modelling group in Redmond.

Graham is an exceptionally experienced architect, trainer, consultant, modeller, author and business executive.

He has in depth I.T. knowledge derived from academic study and teaching, software development, project management, design, architecture and engagement with many clients and industries spanning 40 years.

Graham has first hand insight into business as well. He is an entrepreneur, started multiple companies, acted as general manager and served as chief technology officer, chief executive, board member and board chairman.

Graham has consulted to over 70 major organisations, including leaders in Assurance, Banking, Telecommunications, Retail, Energy, Education, Software and Consulting.

He is the author of five text books and many academic papers and articles. He is the architect of the Enterprise Value Architect collaborative enterprise modelling platform, the Inspired Holistic Architecture Language and various advanced modelling techniques.

Graham has developed and taught over 70 courses to date. He has taught thousands of professionals now practicing as architects in SA, UK, Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, USA, Nigeria, Middle East and Malaysia.

Graham is currently pursuing a PhD in Design and Support of Effective Visual Languages for Enterprise Modelling.

He is an inspiring teacher and loves sharing knowledge, techniques, insights and inspirations with students.